SWTRF ride the I.O.M trails

SWTRF on tour I.O.M April 2023 – Day 1

A gaggle of us in various vans, cars & a pickup set off on a quiet Friday morning heading to Haysham port.

Due to Easter Half term roads were quieter than normal, and by 11:00hrs some of us were in the services @ Jcn 32 on the M6. We met up with Micky & Dan at the services and on doing a group location check a few were pushing their luck on reaching Haysham for the Isle of Man ferry departure!

Myself and Dev, Martin & Luke, Micky & Dan, all having a chill in the port lounge @ the ferry terminal, where were the others Matt & Andrew T stopped off in a local pub in Haysham for a pint. Rhys & Lawrence were hot tailing it to the port with the barrier slowly descending, advising the Port Staff “there’s 2 more running a bit late behind us”.
Andy Smith & Chris really didn’t want to catch the Ferry from Haysham, but fancied the SeaCat from Liverpool…. It’s a good job really as that’s what they had to do! (Pic)

Off we went on the Old Tug across the Irish Sea towards I.O.M. Uneventful trip but glad to see land a few hours later.
Most headed straight up to Lee and Sally’s from Manx Trax & Trails & Isle Of Man Events to off-load the bikes, Martin and Luke headed to the Hotel.

The late running pair would have to park up on arrival and get the bikes to Lee’s on Saturday Morning.

All had a mooch around Douglas for a few welcoming drinks & to grab some food

SWTRF on Tour I.O.M April 2023 – North – Day 2

All set off from Onchan in 2 groups of 7 and headed for fuel for the day. So far so good with glorious weather. Ready to ride, and a Honda starts playing up! A quick short on the side stand switch and we’re ready to go. What’s that pool of liquid under the Beta “it’s fuel” tap tap on the carb, still leaking so what’s the worse that can happen ride it anyway.
I have already lost a glove only been out 15 minutes…. Spare pair out of the bag and away we went.

Colin Mills was our guide for the day. Cracking fella with knowledge of the lanes second to none on the Island. A steady pace to get us into the flow for the day. All enjoying the lanes and views from the various high points.
Up and over one of the ruttier sections and see Blair having a quick lay-down, then it’s Andy Smiths turn the famous I.O.M Spotted Newt is about and they are both trying to find it first.
A few stops for a chat and a breather, then it was lunch. Met up with the other group, quick chat and asked if anyone had seen a glove earlier & Lawrence chirps up, I got one to sell just like you’re missing one he declares! They were off again with us following shortly after.
Rest of the day was a pleasure to ride these fantastic lanes, in a location where riders are welcome and residents & users understand the meaning of sharing!

Got back to Lee’s for 16:30hrs, put the bikes to bed, then back to the Hotel for liquid refreshments.

SWTRF on Tour I.O.M 2023 – South – Day 3

Sunday was a very different day with the weather bringing low visibility & rain. Todays Guide was Chris Stokes. We had the pleasure of his guiding skills on our last trip, top bloke and rider.
We all struggled with visibility due to visors, glasses etc, but plodded on as best we could. I had a little rut-boy moment with a lay-down on some gorse bush! A bit of rolling about trying to get up brought a smile & laugh to Tony Jackson, giggling with “you ok”.
Off we went again and headed over to Peel into the Steam Train station cafe for a nibble and a warm cuppa. Soon the other group arrived, with us then heading off to tackle a few more lanes.
We arrived @ the easy slab in the down direction. Dan walked towards the start, with shouts from me of “don’t look just ride it” he came back with a lot of head shaking and loudly repeating “ I’m not riding that! No way” with this I quickly rode down to film the guys coming down, which they all did issue free.
Chris made a valiant attempt on riding up but just not meant to be today.
Picked up a few more lanes while heading back to Onchan to pack up the vans.

Back to the Hotel to sort out the evenings choices for the groups.
Some stayed @ the Hotel and ate there. Some heading back into Town for a bit of a livelier evening as per the videos.

A twisted knee on Andrew Tucker so out of action on Sundays ride.
Missing bits:
Pair of safety glasses & my exhaust rubber guard
Bent bits:
Honda CRF
Aches & pains of riding:

SWTRF on Tour I.O.M 2023 – Day 4

Monday Morning.

Everyone eventually made it down for brekkie before heading to the Port to catch the departing Tug @ 08:45hrs.

A great weekend of riding with a great bunch of Guys. The riding and atmosphere on the I.O.M never disappoints. If you haven’t sampled it yet you won’t be disappointed.
If thinking of planning a trip over contact our friends of SWTRF. Sally at Isle Of Man Events and Lee at Manx Trax & Trails.

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