Cover picture captured during a SWTRF ride in 2021

SWTRF (South Wales TRF Group) was setup in 1991 to promote the use of and conserve the South Wales green road network. With stunning views the SWTRF members have enjoyed regular ride-outs and have increased membership considerably over the last few years.

This website was setup to provide information about the SWTRF group and riding within the region. To become a member of the TRF organisation, please visit the following website or click the link below. (

South Wales TRF Region

The following map shows the geographical area that the South Wales TRF group cover. We have four neighbouring TRF Groups. The South West Wales TRF to the west, the Mid-Wales TRF Group to the north, Herefordshire TRF to the North East and Gloucestershire TRF to the East.


The SWTRF Group meet up for regular meetings once a month. We organise a number of ride-outs for members around the region on a regular basis. The aim of the group is to have at least 3-4 ride-outs per month, however there can often be more due to their popularity.

The SWTRF operate 2 Facebook groups – One is open for anyone to join (after answering the 3 simple questions) and the second group is for SWTRF Members Only.

To gain access to the members only group you must first become a member of the national TRF Organisation. As part of the membership process you will be given a membership number and asked which local group you would like to associate with. The general rule is that members should choose the local group that they wish to join. This local group would be in the area in which you intend to ride the most. Members are also able to add 2 additional local groups which will give you access to other areas. We ask that you limit this to a max of 2 additional local groups.

Once you have joined the national TRF you will then be able to join the SWTRF Members Only Facebook group. You will be asked for your TRF membership when you request to join the group.

SWTRF (Members Only Facebook Site)

South Wales Trail Riders Group (SWTRF Open Group)